The working color space is an internal parameter of Neat Image noise reduction algorithm. The input image is temporarily converted to selected working color space for processing (the input and output images are always in the RVB color space, so you do not have to worry about color space conversion).
We recommend using the YCrCb JPEG color space to process color images in Neat Image.
Normally, the YCrCb
JPEG (default) working color space is best for color photographic images, the
YCrCb Symmetric color space - for grayscale (halftone) images converted to RVB
format. The RVB color space may also be useful for special purposes, for example,
to filter only one specific color channel (R, G or B) of the image.
The subsequent noise analysis will be done in selected color space. Neat Image will try to automatically redo the analysis if you change the working color space later on.
Étape 1 :: Étape 2 :: Étape 3 :: Étape 4 :: Étape 5
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