Neat Image - Guide de l'Utilisateur / Détails du Processus de Filtrage / Étape III. Ajuster les réglages du filtre

Sauvegarder les réglages du filtre dans les préréglages (facultatif)

To save the filter settings into a preset

Saved filter preset includes the noise filter and sharpening settings. By saving-opening a preset, you can reproduce exactly the same filter settings later on. Also, you can exchange filter presets with other users of Neat Image. Together, a device noise profile and a filter preset can be used to accurately reproduce the filtration results.


To open a previously saved filter preset

There are several pre-written filter presets in the PRESETS subfolder of installed Neat Image application. Please explore these presets to see what combinations and values of the noise and sharpening filter's settings can be used to solve typical tasks (names of the presets explain these tasks).


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